Tuesday, December 15, 2009

(RED)Nike Laces

Nike is the latest international brand to join forces with the (RED) campaign to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. By using the power of sports both organizations hope to create awareness among the masses about this disease that kills 4,100 people DAILY in Sub-Saharan Africa. Of course, the goal is to raise funds for medication, research, and education. So, Nike designed and released the "Lace Up/Save Lives" laces that are now available for $4 at Nike.com. Oh, and you need not tennis shoes to rock the laces. I attached a pic of my combat boots a la (RED) laces.

Also, in case you did not see this a few months back... "In a first, an AIDS vaccine shows some success"... Read the Article at the San Francisco Chronicle.

I found this transcript and audio of an interview I heard on NPR about the topic: AIDS Vaccine

1 comment:

mrb said...

Christian, not enough is being done to maintain awareness about the devastating effects AIDS causes around the world. Thanks for reminding us and to Nike for its efforts in this regard.